“Science Review: Theory and Practice” is a monthly quarterly scientific journal of theoretical and applied research. Published since 2011. ISSN 2226-0226. The journal is included in the new list of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the field – economic sciences, as well as in the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.
The publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor, Moscow). Mass media registration certificate PI No.FS77-43066.
“Science Review: Theory and Practice” is an essential economics journal for economists and academic staff of agrarian higher education institutions. Peer reviewed articles by Russian and foreign researchers are characterized by the unity of theory and practice and primarily cover issues relevant to the agro-industrial complex.
The journal’s subscription index in “Russian Press” catalogue - 13136
Procedure for sending, reviewing
and publishing the manuscripts of articles
submitted for publication in
“Science Review: Theory and Practice” magazine
1. Submission procedure.
1.1. The editorial office of the journal accepts articles and materials which present the scientific views, research results and achievements related to the areas covered by it. The materials unrelated to profile of the journal are not accepted.
1.2. The article, its summary and information about the authors (all in Russian) in the established format are sent to the editorial office via e-mail or submitted in person. Translation into the foreign language is performed by the editorial office.
1.3. Upon the receipt of the materials, the editorial office notifies the authors within one working day.
1.4. The manuscript of the scientific article submitted to the journal is examined to ascertain their compliance with the formatting rules and the requirements of the editorial board, as well as the presence of the complete set of supporting documents.
1.5. All articles are checked in “Antiplagiat” system.
1.6. The article which complies with the requirements of the editorial office is registered. The author of the article responsible for the correspondence with the editors is notified.
1.7. The editorial office has the right to request additional documents to accompany the article (license agreement, expert opinion, referral from the organization, scientific supervisor’s review, etc.).
2. Reviewing procedure.
2.1. All scientific articles submitted to the editorial board are subject to mandatory reviewing. Reviewing is carried out by Doctors of Science possessing unquestionable authority in the sphere of scientific knowledge the manuscript is connected with.
2.2. All articles submitted to the editorial board are examined to determine their relevance to the journal's profile and compliance with formatting requirements and given an individual registration number. They are then sent to a reviewer who specializes in the area closest to the subject of the article and has works related to this area dating back no more than 3 years.
2.3. If the editorial board cannot find a reviewer with a suitable level of expertise in the sphere of knowledge the manuscript belongs to, the board asks the author to submit an external review. This, however, does not cancel the accepted reviewing procedure, which involves “blind” reviewing by two parties.
2.4. The reviewers are notified of the fact that manuscripts are the private property of their authors and contain information which is not to be revealed. The reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles. Reviewing is confidential.
2.5. Reviewing terms are determined by the executive secretary and can not exceed 2 months from the day of manuscript receipt.
2.6. The review must state: a) whether the content of the article matches its title, b) to what extent the article corresponds to modern achievements in the relevant sphere of science. It must assess: c) the way in which material is presented, d) the reasonability of publishing the article, e) the advantages and disadvantages of the article. The final part of the review must present substantiated and constructive conclusions on the merits of the manuscript and give a clear recommendation on the necessity of either publication or revision of the article (with a list of mistakes and inaccuracies committed by the author).
2.7. If the review contains recommendations on revising and reworking the article, the executive secretary of the journal sends the text of the review to the author and suggests considering the recommendations in the preparation of a new variant of the article. The new variant must be submitted no later than a month since the receipt of revision recommendations. The revised article is once again submitted for reviewing.
2.8. The editorial board sends the authors copies of reviews or a substantiated rejection letter. Copies of reviews must also be sent to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation upon request.
2.9. Final decision on the publication of the article is made by the editorial board and recorded in the protocol of editorial board meeting.
2.10. After the decision to publish the article has been made by the editorial board, the executive secretary informs the author no later than in five working days and states publication terms.
2.11. Original copies of reviews are stored in the editorial office for five years. The editorial board does not store copies of articles not accepted for publication. Manuscripts of accepted articles are not returned.
3. Publishing procedure.
3.1. Based on the decision taken, an e-mail from the editor is sent to the author(s) within 5 working days. The e-mail contains a general assessment of the article and states what decision has been made.
3.2. If the publication of the article requires it to be reworked or corrected, the letter gives recommendations on the necessary corrections/additions.
3.3. The articles sent for correction must be reworked and sent back to the editorial board within a month.
3.4. Papers are published in the order of submission, which is determined by the portfolio of articles. Once the decision to publish has been made, the longest the article can remain in the portfolio is one year.
3.5. The editorial board of the journal has the right to form thematic issues ignoring the order of publication.
3.6. The content of the next issue is formed no later than a month before its planned publication.
3.7. Planned publication is free of charge.
3.8. The articles which do not comply with the stated publication requirements are not reviewed.
3.9. If an article is rejected, the editorial office sends the author a substantiated rejection letter.
3.10. The articles by postgraduate students are published free of charge.